Diusulkan oleh :
David Hartono |
2201738062 |
2018 |
Christine Tanika |
2201730702 |
2018 |
Jecia Halim |
2201743150 |
2018 |
Christopher |
2201734801 |
2018 |
Muhammad Azzandra |
1901457795 |
2016 |
Anthony Tjandra |
2201804171 |
David Hartono, Christine Tanika, Jecia Halim, Christopher, Muhammad Mazzandra, Anthony Tjandra
International Business Management, Binus Business School Undergraduate Program, Universitas Bina Nusantara
Jl. Kebon Jeruk Raya No. 27 Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat 11530, Indonesia
We have done our study and discussion to MSMEs called Kisah Kopi. Kisah Kopi is a coffee shop which is located in Alam Sutera. We are observe the coffee shop about the ethical and work discipline that applicable in the work systems.
In our study, we used a survey method in the form of interviews with the two owners of the coffee shop. The interview is a conversation between two or more people and takes place between the speaker and the interviewer.
Leaders need to give good examples in acting and behaving for their employees, so that employee behavior and actions become better and the company's work system becomes advanced.
The owner also gives that in running a business, we must be able to be kind, accommodating / friendly. Especially in the field that he runs, namely food and beverage is not an easy thing, must be brave to be tired, and build a good relationship with customers is the key to success in business. And at the end of the owner also added that it was not the main skill, but attitude.
“In this case, we discuss about MSMEs, namely Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. There are differences in characteristics between Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). So, the differences between SMEs and MSMEs are referred to in Law Number 20 of 2008 concerning Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). There mentioned, micro-enterprises are productive businesses owned by individuals and / or owned by individual businesses that meet the criteria for micro-enterprises as stipulated in this Law. The criteria for MSMEs are a maximum business of Rp. 50 million and a maximum turnover of Rp. 300 million. While Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are productive economic enterprises that are independent, carried out by individuals or business entities that are not subsidiaries owned, controlled or become part of either directly or indirectly from a business or large business that meets the business criteria small. Small businesses as referred to in the Law are those whose criteria are Rp. 50 - 500 million with the criteria for turnover between Rp. 300 million - Rp. 2.5 billion”.(http://www.berdesa.com/apa-beda-ukm-dengan-umkm-ini-penjelasannya/).
“The development of MSMEs is considered to be a milestone in the progress of the economy in Indonesia. The progress of MSMEs in terms of growth so that more and more in Indonesia and the progress of the products produced in order to introduce finished products made in Indonesia in the world class is awaited by the government. During Mr Jokowi's administration, MSME businesses were strongly supported by the government by providing business subsidies, giving business places, and other new government policies that were considered to increase the growth of MSMEs in Indonesia”. (Hikman,2017).
“The MSMEs are considered by the government to be able to alleviate poverty in Indonesia is the most important reason because of the high rate of employment by MSMEs. This was proven in data belonging to the Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs in 2011. It was mentioned, more than 55.2 million units of MSMEs were able to absorb around 101.7 million people. This figure increased to around 57.8 million UMKM units with a workforce reaching 114 million in the following year. Second, the means to level the economy of the small people, MSMEs also have a very important role in the economic equality of the people. Unlike large companies, MSMEs have locations in various places. Including in areas that are far from the reach of the times. Third, generally MSME businesses are not supported by loan funds from banks, but from their own funds. Under these conditions, when the banking sector deteriorates or interest rates soar, MSME businesses will not be affected”. (Hikman,2017)
But in reality, businesses in the small, medium and large sectors. It is very important to pay attention to regulations regarding ethics and work discipline to maintain good quality of Human Resources (HR) and good relations between the company and employees. In this case, the definition of ethics in question is a norm or rule that is used as a guideline in behaving or making decisions related to good and bad traits. While work discipline is an attitude of respecting, respecting, obeying written and unwritten rules and being able to do so without evading and receiving sanctions if employees break the rules.
Regarding ethics and discipline, the ethical rules and regulations in each business and disciplinary provisions for employees working in a business unit. However, not always the work system in maintaining ethics and in terms of giving sanctions to employees who have violated the provisions of work discipline can work well. This is the anxiety of every business owner in making an ethical decision or making a rule in maintaining employee behavior is always good, especially applying work discipline in a business requires a consistent example carried out by superiors or owners so that employees can emulate and carry out work discipline obediently.
Ethics according to Dessler “Ethics can reflect ethical elements in the opinions of every human being. The need for reflection will often be needed, because often our opinions differ from those of others. The view of every human being is always different, sometimes according to others our opinion is wrong because it is not ethical according to his view. Therefore, in daily life we need ethics, in order to know what should be done and what is not. The goal of every human being must be ethical is to get a concept about the assessment of all humans in a certain space and time”. ( Dessler,2013)
“Ethics is a norm or rule that is used as a guideline in behaving in society for someone related to good and bad traits”. (https://www.maxmanroe.com/vid/umum/pengertian-etika.html). The word ethics comes from ancient Greek, namely "ethikos", meaning "arises from habits. Ethics includes analysis and application of concepts such as right, wrong, good, bad, and responsibility.
In addition to ethical understanding in general, there are various ethical definitions from several sources. Experts and philosophers have different views on the meaning of the word ethics.
According to Aristotles he defines the meaning of ethics to be two meanings are “Terminius Technicus is an ethic that is learned as a science that studies a problem of human action. Manner and Custom are an ethical discussion related to the procedures and customs inherent in humans”. (Zakky, 2018)
Garry Dessler said “What are ethics? Why are they important? The principles of governing conduct of individual or a group; specifically, the standards you use to decide what your conduct should be. Ethical behavior depends on the person 's frame of reference. You face ethical choices every day. In a recent study, 54% of HR professionals reported observing misconduct in their organizations “. (Dessler, 2005)
Sidi Gajalba theory said “In systematics philosophy: ethics is a theory of the behavior of human actions in terms of good and bad, as far as can be determined by reason”. (Zakky,2018)
According to Drs. H. Burhanudin Salam “Ethics is a branch of philosophy that speaks of moral values and norms that determine human behavior in life”. (Zakky,2018)
Franz Magnis Suseno said ”Ethics is the science that seeks orientation or science that provides direction and foothold in human action”. (Zakky,2018)
Soergarda Poerbakawatja said “Ethics is a science that provides direction, references, and a foundation for a human action”.(Zakky,2018)
According to the book entitled “Busiess Law and Ethics” by Dr H. Budi Untung, S.H.,M.M, ethics can be classified into four types descriptive ethics “Ethics which ony explains what it is without giving an assessment of the object being observed. Normative Ethics: Ethics that express an assessment of what is good and bad, and what should be done by humans. Individual Ethics: Ethics in which human objects are individualistic. Related to the meaning and purpose of human life.Social Ethics: Ethics that address human behavior as social beings and their interactions with other humans. Both in the smallest scope, family, to the largest state.” (referensi.elsam.or.id/2015/08/uu-nomor-40-tahun1999-tentang-pers-2/)
Constitution :
• Law Number 40 Year 1999 Law related to freedom of opinion and freedom of the press
• Law Number 28 Year 2000 Article 24 Government Regulations concerning Business and Roles
The Construction Services Society mandates that associations of companies and associations the profession must have and uphold the association's code of ethics. The association's code of ethics is basically the elaboration of the basic principles of noble norms and values that are the guideline in carrying out the professional activities of its members.
Discipline is a feeling of obedience and obedience to the rules that have been agreed upon and is their responsibility. Discipline is expected to be owned by every individual in his daily life, especially educated people. Discipline is needed because it can help an activity to run smoothly and as expected. Of course discipline cannot be separated from rules, norms, procedures, organization, cooperation, punishment, and so forth.
The word 'discipline' comes from Latin, which is 'discipline', which means training in modesty and spirituality as well as developing personality. Discipline attitude can emerge as a form of our effort in improving ourselves as individuals who obey the rules that apply.
In addition to understanding discipline in general, there are various definitions of discipline from several experts and philosophies. Gary Dessler said “Discipline is based on 3 pillars, namely clear rules and regulations, progressive object systems, and serious processes”. (Cakiel, 2018)
According to Suharsimi Arikunto “Discipline is the obedience of someone in following the rules or order because it is driven by the awareness that exists in his conscience without any coercion from outside parties”. (Cakiel, 2018)
Siswanto theory said “Discipline is an attitude of respect, respect, obedience, obedience to the rules that are written, both written and unwritten and able to run it and not avoid receiving sanctions if he violates the duties and authority granted to him”. (Cakiel,2018)
According to Sanjaya “Discipline is something that is very necessary for every student, with the discipline of learning, the purpose of education will be more easily achieved”. (Cakiel,2018)
Constitution :
• Law Number 25 of 2014 concerning the Law of Military Discipline
Filled with the Indonesian Armed Forces as a national defense tool whose duty is to carry out national defense policies to defend state sovereignty and territorial integrity, protect the honor and safety of the nation, carry out military operations other than war, and actively participate in regional and international peacekeeping tasks
• Law Number 53 of 2010 concerning Discipline of Civil Servants
Containing Civil Servants' Discipline is the ability of Civil Servants to obey their obligations and avoid prohibitions stipulated in statutory regulations and / or official regulations which are subject to disciplinary punishment or violation.
Research methods are steps taken and carried out by researchers in order to collect information or data and conduct investigations on the data that has been obtained. The research method is a scientific way to collect data with specific purposes and uses.
The research method also has characteristics such as; there are goals, there is seriousness, can be sponsored, can be replicated, contains precision and confidence, objective, can be used in general, and efficiently. In addition, the research also has certain stages such as planning, reviewing and thorough research plans, compiling a list of questions, fieldwork, analysis, and reports. Thus, research is a long and structured process.
In our study, we used a survey method in the form of interviews with the two owners of the coffee shop. The interview is a conversation between two or more people and takes place between the speaker and the interviewer. The purpose of the interview is to get the information we need and right from reliable sources.
We also select interviews to avoid misinformation. We want to get complete, accurate, honest and deep information. With that, we get objective data and may us to find new perspectives in solving a problem.
Based on the results of our group's interview with a coffee shop called Kisah Kopi, we got some information. At this coffee shop, there was a little selection during the selection of a new barista who would work in their coffee shop, the selection was that there was little understanding from the prospective barista of the espresso machine to be used. Based on the answers from the Story Coffee shop owner, in recruiting a new barista, the main thing they did was to see how the prospective barista's attitude and ways of communicating, such as how to control intonation while talking, and also how to communicate with customers properly. From the very beginning they opened the store they had not had a bad experience with the barista who worked with them. If something bad happens, then the first action they take is to give reprimand the barista, and give direction again how to behave or do something. In running this business too, the owner said there were no very specific rules. The baristas stick enough to the basic, which means making something appropriate from the beginning that has been learned, not changed or exaggerated. The owner also gives that in running a business, we must be able to be kind, accommodating / friendly. Especially in the field that he runs, namely food and beverage is not an easy thing, must be brave to be tired, and build a good relationship with customers is the key to success in business. And at the end of the owner also added that it was not the main skill, but attitude.
The results of the interview process and analyzing the description of the discussion above, we conclude that ethics and discipline are indispensable in the world of work. Every business unit owner must have high expectations so that every employee can maintain his attitude and behavior. Regulations and sanctions will always be in the workplace, but it will be useless if employees do not respect any decisions that have been agreed upon. However, we have the conclusion that the behavior of managers or business owners in acting and making decisions is very influential on employee performance. Leaders need to give good examples in acting and behaving for their employees, so that employee behavior and actions become better and the company's work system becomes advanced. So that employees will respect every decision of the leader.
Berdesa.com.(2018).Apa Beda UKM dengan UMKM. Retrieved June, 17, 2019. From : http://www.berdesa.com/apa-beda-ukm-dengan-umkm-ini-penjelasannya/
Cakiel.H.2018.Pengertian Disiplin : Tujuan dan Contohnya.Retrieved June, 20, 2019. From : jagad.id/pengertian-disiplin
Dessler,G.(2012).Human Resource Management 13th ed. Pearson : United States of America
Elsam. (2015). UU Nomor 40 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pers. Retrieved June, 20, 2019. From : referensi.elsam.or.id/2015/08/uu-nomor-40-tahun1999-tentang-pers-2/
Maxmanroe.com.Pengertian Etika, Ciri-Ciri, dan Jenis-Jenis Etika Secara Umum. Retrieved June, 11, 2019. From: https://www.maxmanroe.com/vid/umum/pengertian-etika.html
R Dwi, Hikman.(2017). 3 Alasan Mengapa UMKM Penting bagi Perekonomian Indonesia. Retrieved June , 19, 2019. From : https://kumparan.com/hikman-dwi-r/3-peran-penting-umkm-penggerak-sektor-ekonomi-indonesia-di-tingkat-menengah-ke-bawah
Pengertian Etika Secara Umum dan Menurut Para Ahli. Retrieved June, 19, 2019.
From : www.zonareferensi.com/pengertian-etika/
Lampiran 1. Biodata Ketua, dan Anggota
1. Biodata Ketua
A. Identitas Diri
1 |
Nama Lengkap |
: |
David Hartono |
2 |
Jenis Kelamin |
: |
Laki – Laki |
3 |
Program Studi |
: |
International Business Management |
4 |
: |
2201738062 |
5 |
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir |
: |
Jakarta, 12-12-2000 |
6 |
Alamat E-mail |
: |
7 |
Nomor Telepon / HP |
: |
081298172239 |
B. Kegiatan Kemahasiswaan Yang Sedang/Pernah Diikuti
No |
Jenis Kegiatan |
Status dalam Kegiatan |
Waktu dan Tempat |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
3 |
- |
- |
- |
C. Penghargaan Yang Pernah Diterima
No |
Jenis Penghargaan |
Pihak Pemberi Penghargaan |
Tahun |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
- |
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- |
Semua data yang saya isikan dan tercantum dalam biodata ini adalah benar dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum. Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata dijumpai ketidaksesuaian dengan kenyataan, saya sanggup menerima sanksi.
Demikian biodata ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk memenuhi salah satu persyaratan dalam pengajuan Hibah PKM Artikel Ilmiah.
Jakarta, 21-06-2019
Ketua Tim,
(David Hartono)
2. Biodata Anggota 1
1 |
Nama Lengkap |
: |
Christine Tanika |
2 |
Jenis Kelamin |
: |
Perempuan |
3 |
Program Studi |
: |
International Business Management |
4 |
: |
2201730702 |
5 |
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir |
: |
Jakarta, 03 September 2000 |
6 |
Alamat E-mail |
: |
7 |
Nomor Telepon / HP |
: |
081905520816 |
B. Kegiatan Kemahasiswaan Yang Sedang/Pernah Diikuti
No |
Jenis Kegiatan |
Status dalam Kegiatan |
Waktu dan Tempat |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
3 |
- |
- |
- |
C. Penghargaan Yang Pernah Diterima
No |
Jenis Penghargaan |
Pihak Pemberi Penghargaan |
Tahun |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
Semua data yang saya isikan dan tercantum dalam biodata ini adalah benar dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum. Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata dijumpai ketidaksesuaian dengan kenyataan, saya sanggup menerima sanksi.
Demikian biodata ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk memenuhi salah satu persyaratan dalam pengajuan Hibah PKM Artikel Ilmiah.
Jakarta, 21-06-2019
Anggota Tim,
(Christine Tanika)
3. Biodata Anggota 2
A. Identitas Diri
1 |
Nama Lengkap |
: |
Jecia Halim |
2 |
Jenis Kelamin |
: |
Perempuan |
3 |
Program Studi |
: |
International Business Management |
4 |
: |
220173150 |
5 |
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir |
: |
Medan, 22 Desember 1999 |
6 |
Alamat E-mail |
: |
7 |
Nomor Telepon / HP |
: |
087884374500 |
B. Kegiatan Kemahasiswaan Yang Sedang/Pernah Diikuti
No |
Jenis Kegiatan |
Status dalam Kegiatan |
Waktu dan Tempat |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
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3 |
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C. Penghargaan Yang Pernah Diterima
No |
Jenis Penghargaan |
Pihak Pemberi Penghargaan |
Tahun |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
- |
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- |
Semua data yang saya isikan dan tercantum dalam biodata ini adalah benar dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum. Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata dijumpai ketidaksesuaian dengan kenyataan, saya sanggup menerima sanksi.
Demikian biodata ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk memenuhi salah satu persyaratan dalam pengajuan Hibah PKM Artikel Ilmiah.
Jakarta, 21-06-2019
Anggota Tim,
(Jecia Halim)
4. Biodata Anggota 3
A. Identitas Diri
1 |
Nama Lengkap |
: |
Christopher |
2 |
Jenis Kelamin |
: |
Laki – Laki |
3 |
Program Studi |
: |
International Business Management |
4 |
: |
2201734801 |
5 |
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir |
: |
Jakarta, 07 September 2000 |
6 |
Alamat E-mail |
: |
7 |
Nomor Telepon / HP |
: |
081311447610 |
B. Kegiatan Kemahasiswaan Yang Sedang/Pernah Diikuti
No |
Jenis Kegiatan |
Status dalam Kegiatan |
Waktu dan Tempat |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
3 |
- |
- |
- |
C. Penghargaan Yang Pernah Diterima
No |
Jenis Penghargaan |
Pihak Pemberi Penghargaan |
Tahun |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
Semua data yang saya isikan dan tercantum dalam biodata ini adalah benar dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum. Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata dijumpai ketidaksesuaian dengan kenyataan, saya sanggup menerima sanksi.
Demikian biodata ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk memenuhi salah satu persyaratan dalam pengajuan Hibah PKM Artikel Ilmiah.
Jakarta, 21-06-2019
Anggota Tim,
5. Biodata Anggota 4
A. Identitas Diri
1 |
Nama Lengkap |
: |
Muhammad Azzandra |
2 |
Jenis Kelamin |
: |
Laki – Laki |
3 |
Program Studi |
: |
International Business Management |
4 |
: |
1901457795 |
5 |
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir |
: |
Jakarta, 28 Mei 1997 |
6 |
Alamat E-mail |
: |
7 |
Nomor Telepon / HP |
: |
08122205784 |
B. Kegiatan Kemahasiswaan Yang Sedang/Pernah Diikuti
No |
Jenis Kegiatan |
Status dalam Kegiatan |
Waktu dan Tempat |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
3 |
- |
- |
- |
C. Penghargaan Yang Pernah Diterima
No |
Jenis Penghargaan |
Pihak Pemberi Penghargaan |
Tahun |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
Semua data yang saya isikan dan tercantum dalam biodata ini adalah benar dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum. Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata dijumpai ketidaksesuaian dengan kenyataan, saya sanggup menerima sanksi.
Demikian biodata ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk memenuhi salah satu persyaratan dalam pengajuan Hibah PKM Artikel Ilmiah.
Jakarta, 21-06-2019
Anggota Tim,
(Muhammad Azzandra)
6. Biodata Anggota 5
A. Identitas Diri
1 |
Nama Lengkap |
: |
Anthony Tjandra |
2 |
Jenis Kelamin |
: |
Laki – Laki |
3 |
Program Studi |
: |
International Business Management |
4 |
: |
2201804171 |
5 |
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir |
: |
Tangerang, 21 September 1999 |
6 |
Alamat E-mail |
: |
7 |
Nomor Telepon / HP |
: |
081293581962 |
B. Kegiatan Kemahasiswaan Yang Sedang/Pernah Diikuti
No |
Jenis Kegiatan |
Status dalam Kegiatan |
Waktu dan Tempat |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
3 |
- |
- |
- |
C. Penghargaan Yang Pernah Diterima
No |
Jenis Penghargaan |
Pihak Pemberi Penghargaan |
Tahun |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
Semua data yang saya isikan dan tercantum dalam biodata ini adalah benar dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum. Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata dijumpai ketidaksesuaian dengan kenyataan, saya sanggup menerima sanksi.
Demikian biodata ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk memenuhi salah satu persyaratan dalam pengajuan Hibah PKM Artikel Ilmiah.
Jakarta, 21-06-2019
Anggota Tim,
(Anthony Tjandra)
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